Message from the Minister

We are so glad you are visiting our website today!  If you are browsing to consider a visit to the Ambassador Christian Church, let me encourage you to give us a try!  Ambassador Christian Church may be one of the best kept secrets in Chanute.  Once you enter the church you will be welcomed and offered donuts and coffee.  When you find a seat, just look up at one of the screens and you will see information that tells you about future events and happenings going on at Ambassador.  Once our worship services begin, you will be inspired by praise and worship from the Ambassador Band.  After a time of worship, you will be encouraged to reflect on your walk as the Lord’s Supper is provided to all Christians who choose to partake.  Following communion time, the kids can go to Children’s Church for Kindergarten through 2nd grade or Kid’s Church for 3rd through 6th grade.  We value God’s Word at Ambassador, and as your minister, I will always share a message from the scriptures.  My messages are in series that take us through books of the bible or topics from God’s Word.  There are so many ways to get involved in other activities around the church during the week.  Sundays at 9:30 AM there are Discovery Classes for all ages with Worship Services beginning at 10:30 AM.  Wednesday nights during the school year, there is a meal and classes for all ages.  There are small groups meeting in the church and at homes around the area.  Our youth minister, Chris Bibly and our children’s coordinator, Adrianne Knavel will keep you informed of activities for your children.      

 Tim Camp